If you are looking to put your house on the market asap, Vintage Value can help you expedite the process. We will come to your home and remove everything from the house. We will empty drawers and closets, cabinets and cubbies, any food in the pantry, fridge or freezer. We will empty the garage and any outside storage buildings. We will remove rugs and old carpet, bins full of screws and tubs full of newspapers, heavy metal desks and king size mattresses, jugs full of turpentine and cans full of paint, a wall full of books or cds and tapes, piles of scrap wood and old copper pipes. We will remove everything leaving your house empty and in broom swept condition. If you require a more thorough cleaning, please check out our other cleaning services.
We donate the donatable - recycle the recyclable - dispose of the disposable

Call today for a free estimate. 720-203-1775